The Unreveal: Eugene’s story on how he began his Blood Oath

Deconstruction: Yumemite’s arc takes a long hard look at the dark side of being an Idol Singer. She genuinely dreams of one day being famous, and willingly subjected herself at an early age to the rigors of training to be an idol. However, dealing with a fanbase full of creepers and social losers is slowly eating away on her sanity, which isn’t far from Real Life judging how far some fans will go to express their admiration towards celebrities, so Yumemite’s fears and paranoia aren’t exactly unfounded.

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Hermes Belt Replica Tropes Costume Test Montage: Elan puts Roy through one of these to make him look like a mysterious stranger. Delicious Distraction: Haley is able to sneak past an Angry Guard Dog this way. It helps that the steaks she brings are laced with sleeping potion. Epic Fail: While in an Iron Chef like magic contest, Vaarsuvius miswrites a spell. The result destroys the entire wizard’s guild and a part of the jail next door. allowing Belkar to bust out. The Order’s first battle against a group of kobolds ends in disaster. Belkar prepares to charge the first kobold that gets within 30ft of him, Elan prepares to flank the first creature that takes damage, Vaarsuvius prepares to hit the first four creatures in front of him/her with Lightning Bolt and Haley prepares to move ahead and shoot the first creature that charges. Belkar charges and misses, resulting in Haley shooting him. Elan then flanks Belkar and stabs him with his rapier. The three of them plus the kobold are hit by Vaarsuvius’ Lightning Bolt. I Resemble That Remark!: When Roy claims that Arcane casters are flawed by their faith in their magic, his father Eugene (A wizard) immediately retorts that Arcane Magic is all powerful and completely flawless. Monochrome Past: To give the book a “flashback” feel. Never Bring a Knife to a Fist Fight: We first see Belkar in jail, on a charge of murdering several people in a bar brawl. He tries to defend himself saying that they shouldn’t have brought fists to a knife fight, but the guard retorts that it wasn’t a knife fight until Belkar started stabbing people. Oh, No. Not Again!: Elan’s reaction when the knight he accompanies decides to ditch him. A Tankard of Moose Urine: This is Durkon’s reaction to a taste of “the finiest beer in human lands”. The implications do not sit will with him. The Unreveal: Eugene’s story on how he began his Blood Oath against Xykon is skipped over. Terrible Interviewees Montage: Inverted; Roy will take anyone, but almost no one is interested High Quality Hermes Replica Birkin in his terms. You All Meet in an Inn: Naturally. In fact, Elan tells Roy flat out this is how adventurers meet for some reason Hermes Belt Replica.

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